How To Find Old Tweets

How To Find Old Tweets? 3 Simple Ways

Twitter is a fast-moving social media platform that is focused on the latest content as well as frequent feed updates. When you’ve finished browsing through your feed, it is possible to refresh your feed to see the most recent Tweets at the top.

However, what happens if you want to find old Tweets from someone else who is on the platform? You might be able to recall an account you follow tweeting about the topic of current news. Perhaps you’d like to share the Tweet with your friends. In this case, you should know how to locate the tweet from this user could be beneficial.

How To Find Old Tweets From Someone Else 3 Simple Ways

There are a variety of ways to find old tweets. However, just three methods work.

Its Twitter advanced search function is among the best techniques to search old tweets that have been previously tweeted. Advanced search permits you to narrow your search based on user name, timeframe, and replies. This feature will help you understand how to find old tweets, without sharing details with any tools. You can’t however make use of the feature’s advanced features using smartphones. The feature is available only in the desktop user interface.

This is how you can use it with just a couple of simple steps:

  • Log into your account on a desktop web browser.
  • Select the search button on the right side and type in a search word.
  • Enter to begin the search query. There will be a variety of choices under the heading “Search Filters” on the right side.
  • Choose “Advanced Search” from the available options and then open a new tab and navigate directly onto the page for advanced searches.
  • Select any tab in “Words” to open a tab section to enter the hashtag or phrase within the tweets.
  • Go to the Accounts section, where you can enter a username.
  • Scroll until you reach the section for dates to change the date section.
  • Select “Search” at the top right-hand corner to start the search.

It will show all articles that are relevant to the criteria you have chosen. Additionally, you can make use of the advanced feature to narrow down posts based on the number of likes, replies, and tweets that are retweeted. Filtering also allows users to search old tweets that have hyperlinks. Though Twitter impressions have become important, it’s not possible to sort searches by the impressions.

2. Ask Twitter for Archives

A great way to see old tweets is to ask Twitter to provide archives of tweets. Twitter will provide you with an entire and searchable archive of every tweet you’ve sent through your Twitter account. Just follow these instructions.

  1. Go to the “Settings” section of Twitter-

Within the “Your Account” section, you’ll find an option to download the archive of your account data.

  1. In the next step, you’ll need to validate your password. For this, you simply need to re-enter your password to continue.
  1. Then, select “Request Archive” to ask for a ZIP file that contains an archive of all account data.
  1. This is all about finding tweets from your old Twitter account with this method. But, it could take a few days to allow Twitter to be ready to upload your archives, based on the amount of tweets.
  1. You will get a push notification whenever it is ready to share the archive and you just have to go to and click on “Download Archive”

3. Find Old Tweets with Wayback Machine

It is possible that the tweet you’re searching for has already been deleted and you do not currently have access to Twitter archives.

If this is your case then you should try your luck using Wayback Machine to find deleted tweets from the past. Wayback Machine stores screenshots of famous Twitter pages of specific times.

Follow the steps to search old tweets by using the Wayback Machine.

Step #1: Go to

Then write or paste the URL of the Twitter account in the search box.

Step #2: Wayback Machine will display all the screenshots on Twitter’s page that it owns.

The tweets will be organized by date and year.

Step #3: First choose the year that the tweet was created in.

The calendar for that year is open, choose the specific date and view the live feed.

Step #4: You’ll be able to see the screenshot of the Twitter site exactly the way it appeared on the date of that specific day.

However, the majority of old screenshots will only contain 20 tweets at a time so you’ll not be able to scroll further in the feed.

Final Thoughts

Twitter is a social media site where users tend to share their opinions and thoughts in public. Twitter information can be a wealth of data due to the wide range of topics that are discussed and the massive number of tweets. This could prove to be an enormous challenge to see old tweets when you do not have the necessary tools.

The Tweet archives can be downloaded and analyzed in a matter of minutes with the help of Followers Analysis. Effective advertising strategies typically rely on information gleaned from deep analysis.



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