How to Reset Schlage Keypad Lock without Programming Code?

How to Reset Schlage Keypad Lock without Programming Code?

If you’re searching for suggestions to reset Schlage lock code without code You’ve come to the right page.

This article will cover all you need to know regarding resetting the Schlage Keypad Lock without code. It’s no surprise that I’ll show you how to reset your Schlage keypad lock in a few seconds.


Schlage Keypad Locks provide ease of use as well as security to the office or home. There are circumstances where you are required to reset Schlage lock code, without the programming code. If it’s because of an unremembered code or the necessity to reset the lock This guide can help you to reset your schlage keypad lock.

How to Reset Schlage keypad lock Without Code?

In the beginning, you won’t require a code to reset the Schlage lock code.

The steps below will help you restore Your Schlage Keypad Lock (without code):

  1. The battery cover must be removed (you might need to take off those screws). Next, remove the battery.
  2. Then release and press the keystroke.
  3. Make sure to reconnect the battery. Then, hold and press the key until the light changes to green and the lock makes a sound. Be sure to complete the process within 10 minutes.
  4. In order to confirm that the reset was successful Enter one of the standard 4-digit codes (User Code) to see whether the bolt is moving. If it does, then the reset succeeded.

All you need to do in order to change the password of the security of your Schlage Keypad Lock. It’s clear that you do not need to input any codes.

This reset Schlage lock code procedure might not be compatible with Schlage Connect, Schlage Encode as well as Schlage Sense Deadbolt.

How to Reset Schlage Keypad Lock from Outside?

Schlage locks with keypads typically include a six-digit default Programming Code. Maybe you’ve modified the code in the past and changing the lock’s settings will reset your standard Programming Code, so you’ll have to modify the code to protect yourself.

The code will usually be written on a white/yellow sticker that is placed in the user’s manual as well as on the reverse of the assembly (requires removal of the lock from its door). Look at the photo below.

If you’re unsure of what to do about changing the 6-digit programming Code Here’s how:

  • Then, enter the default programming Code (6 numerals) and watch for the”Schle” button to flash three light oranges and then three beeps. Then you need to press the Schlage button.
  • Hit the 3 key on the keyboard and then just wait for the Schlage button to flash three orange flashes, then three beeps.
  • Create a new programming code (6 numerals) and then watch until the Schlage button flashes three times with a bright orange light after which it will sound three beeps.
  • Enter the updated Programming Code to complete the procedure. It is possible that the Schlage button will turn green and then sound a long beep that indicates you have successfully changed the Programming Code has been successfully modified.

How to Delete the Schlage Default Code?

It is possible to change the Keypad Locks with Schlage in order to limit who has access to the locks. It is also possible to modify the default User Codes (for opening the locks using keys).

To remove the two four-digit User Codes that are default:

  1. You can enter the present Programming Code on the keypad After that, the button lights up orange three times. This will be immediately followed by three beeps.
  2. Hold down on the Schlage button.
  3. Then press the number 6 on the keypad, and press the Schlage button to blink the light orange three times. This is followed by three clicks.
  4. Enter the Programming Code. This is the step that will get rid of the default four-digit User Codes.

How to Enable Vacation Mode on Schlage Keypad Lock?

The Vacation Mode of the Schlage Keypad Lock can provide greater security when you’re absent for an extended period. As a default, every Schlage Keypad Lock will automatically switch to vacation Mode following a time of time without use. It prevents access by unauthorized persons even when you’re not at home. For a way to disable Vacation Mode, you must follow these steps

  1. Click and hold and hold the Schlage button for five seconds or until you get the double sound and you get “Vacation mode disabled” on the screen.
  2. If you wish to enable Vacation Mode simply press and hold the button for approximately five seconds or until you get an additional beep, and then be able to see “Vacation mode enabled” on the screen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’S)

What is the best way to program a Schlage lock’s keypad?

To set up your Schlage keypad Follow these steps:

  1. Incorporate the batteries in the unit.
  2. Click and hold the button on the Schlage for five minutes. The light will blink in a green flash, signaling that the device is now ready to be programmed.
  3. Then, enter your four-digit code onto the keypad, and then press enter. The light will blink twice, then change to a single red signaling that it was successfully programmed.

I’m having trouble remembering the Schlage Programming Code; what should I do?

The factory reset Schlage lock code, and use your default Programming Code to reprogram the lock. Find out more information on how to troubleshoot forgotten or lost Schlage Programming Code.

What can I do to change my 6-digit Schlage number?

If you want to change the Schlage six-digit number, switch the lock into program mode by entering the 6-digit code. Then, press the Schlage button. Then, press 3. after which you enter the new code (6 numerals) two times. The lock should flash green and sound a beep which means that your operation was completed successfully.


Resetting the keypad lock from Schlage without having a programming code is feasible and fairly simple. If you follow the instructions in this post regain the security of your lock and create a fresh programming code. Be sure to keep your updated code safe and regularly alter it to improve the security of your home.



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